Outdoor Wedding and Event Caterers
Here is a list of caterers that we have a relationship with and recommend. They specialize in catering weddings, parties and other tent events.
Christina’s Catering 610-563-7964 West Chester, PA
Jeffrey Miller Catering 610-622-3700 Philadelphia, PA
Rettew's Catering 717-665-9200 Manheim, PA
SEI Catering 717-626-2050 Lititz, PA
Event Planners
Event planners that work with Tents For Rent to plan weddings, parties and other tent events.
Planning Factory International 302-656-8400 Wilmington, DE
Shumaker Plan Design Transform 717-735-0767 Lancaster, PA - Event planning, lighting and decoration
Visions of White Dove Release 484-544-3683
“Every one of the staff members I had contact with was very helpful, courteous and friendly to work with. I would highly recommend Tents for Rent to anyone.”